2012/11/17(sat) Tanzan-Jinja Shrine(談山神社)

Tanzan-Jinja Shrine(談山神社)
Nov 17 Time: 10:30am~
11月17日 午前10時30分

This historic shrine, which reflects the belief of syncretization of Shinto with Buddhism, houses the deity of Kamatari Fujiwara. In the early history of Japan, Kamatari Fujiwara was a great politician and played a very important role in the Taika Reforms, a set of doctrines established by Emperor Kotoku in the year 646, uniting Japan. This annual festival is a memorial service for the great politician and therefore very important in the ritual calendar of Tanzan-jinja. On this day, Japanese classical performing arts called bugakuwill be on show. The performers are the famous bugaku team, Nantogakuso, whose skills have won great recognition. In addition to the perfor-mance, the autumn maple leaves around the venue will be creating their own spectacle.

Admission: ¥500 adults, concessions

舞楽 例大祭の行われる11月17日は御祭神・藤原鎌足公の命日にあたり、談山神社にとって最も意義深い祭です。

2012/11/11(sun) Kyoto Arashiyama

Maple Leaf Festival in Arashiyama
Kyoto Arashiyama area

NOV. 11
Time: 10:30am (cancelled in case of rainy weather )
11月11日(日) (雨天中止)嵐山・渡月橋一帯
10:30~  13:30~
This magnificent event has been staged annually as way to appreciate the fantastic natural autumn environment of Arashiyama, famous for it's maple leaves.
More than ten colourfully-decorated boats will sail up and down the river Oi. Various different performing arts will be performed on these boats, such as noh play, court music, and traditional Japanese dance. There will also be people performing flower arranging and tea ceremony on the boats. On the riverside, kyogen (ancient Japanese comedy) and the tea ceremony by Shimabara tayu (a high-class courtesan from the Edo period) can be seen on this day.
The events start from 10:30.


Performance of Japanese traditional arts ( dance, Noh-play etc ) , staged on boats on the Oigawa-River.


2012/11/11(sun) Nagaokakyo Gracia Festival

Nagaokakyo Gracia Festival
Parade ( November 11 )
November 3 ~ November 11


Hosokawa Gracia (born circa 1563) was Japan's first saint and lived during a nationwide boom in Christianity. Born Akechi Tama, she was a daughter of Akechi Mitsuhide, a famous daimyo. During her life she was exiled for her faith, and then, finally, chose to die in the flames of her castle (destroyed by the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi).
A big part of this festival is the re-enactment of Madam Hosokawa Garcia’s wedding parade and the procession of towns people who celebrate the wedding. The bride is carried to the groom in a gorgeous kago or palanquin (see photo). About 900 people will march about 3 km through the city.
Parade Start 12:45 Shoryuji Castle Park and Shoryuji 13:54

2012/11/08(thu) Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine京都市 伏見稲荷大社

Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine京都市 伏見稲荷大社
Ohitaki Sai Festival, Kyoto
(火焚祭 ・ ひたきさい)
Nov 8
御神楽 6:00pm
This event originated in the Imperial Court as an annual ritual to wish for a good harvest in the year to come. This is a large-scale ritual, in which several hundred thousand pieces of wood, inscribed with wishes are thrown onto holy bonfires. Ancient court dances will be performed in the evening.

Fushimi Inari Shrine is located just outside JR Inari Station, the second station from Kyoto Station along the JR Nara Line (5 minutes, 140 yen one way from Kyoto Station, not served by rapid trains). The shrine can also be reached in a short walk from Fushimi Inari Station along the Keihan Main Line.

2012/10/22(mon) Jidai Matsuri Festival 時代祭り

Jidai Matsuri Festival


On this day a grand costume parade will move across the city.
Each group in the procession represents a different period of time of Kyoto.
The Jidai Matsuri Festival is one of the three biggest festivals of Kyoto
This festival, falling within the Autumn sight-seeing season, was started in the 28th year of the Meiji era (1895), when the 1100th anniversary of Heian Sento (the relocation of the capital) was celebrated.
In the morning, the shrine procession travels from the Heian Shrine to the Kyoto Imperial Palace, and at noon, processions representing each era parade through the city, and return to the Heian Shrine. Over the course of one hour, the evolution of cultural items and clothing over 1000 years is recreated. Especially in the Edo era procession, old-style demeanor and interesting items of clothing belonging to the Yarimochi, Kasamochi, Kyosekimochi, and Warajitori groups may be seen.

1895年(明治28年)、平安遷都1100年を記念して平安神宮が創建された。その時、平安神宮の大祭、建造物、神苑の保存のため、市民により平安講社が組織され、記念事業として時代祭が始まった。祭が行われる10月22日は、桓武天皇が794年(延暦13)に長岡京から平安京に都を移された日。  この祭の特色は、神幸祭、行在所祭、還幸祭の神儀のほか、時代風俗行列が行われることである。明治維新から延暦時代へさかのぼって、順次風俗、文物の変遷を再現する。  現在は18列、2000人に達し行列の長さは2キロに及ぶ。祇園祭、葵祭とともに京都三大祭の一つに数えられている。 山国勤王隊を先頭に、正午、京都御所建礼門前を出発、烏丸通、御池通、河原町通、三条通から平安神宮まで4.5キロ間に一大時代絵巻を展開する。

2012/10/22(mon) Yuki Shrine(由岐神社) "Kurama Himatsuri"( 鞍馬の火祭 )

Yuki Shrine(由岐神社)
"Kurama Himatsuri"( 鞍馬の火祭 )
( Fire Festival )
OCT.22  6:00pm~
Exciting festival.

Long row of torches planted on both sides of the street leading to Yuki Shrine are lit at 6pm.
Children in festival dress march to the Shrine carrying small torches, followed by adults with bigger torches.

若衆たちは、5mもの松明を担ぎ、「サイレィ、サイリョ」の掛け声も勇ましく、火の粉を撒きながら神社へと向かい、一面は火の海、興奮の坩堝に! 夜空を焦がす火の祭典は、午前0時に終了します。

2012/10/21(sun) Nonomiya Shrine Saigu Gyoretsu 斎宮行列(さいぐうぎょうれつ)

Nonomiya Shrine Saigu Gyoretsu
Togetsu Bridge in Arashiyama Area.


Oct 21


Admission : Free
SAIGU-Gyoretsu is a re-creation of the ancient ritual scene of the sacred parade of Imperial [a Royal] princess heading from Heiankyo to Ise Shrine.
After a religious ceremony in the shrine, women in ancient costume parade to the

Parade route: 12pm Depart: Nonomiya shrine

12:30pm JR Saga-Arashiyama sta. ⇒ Tenryuji temple ⇒ Togetsu bridge
⇒ Nakanoshima park at 13:20pm ⇒ Togetsu bridge ⇒ The stage at 14pm

From 14:00
Sacred ritual and Ancient music and dancing will be held at the special stage.

2012/05/27(sun) Saga Festival in Kyoto Arashiyama area / 嵯峨祭

Saga Festival in Kyoto Arashiyama area
Nonomiya-jinja Shrine and Atago-jinja Shrine


May 20 and May 27(Main parade)
This is a joint festival for Atago Shrine and Nonomiya Shrine.

Overview : This is a festival for both Atago-jinja Shrine and Nonomiya-jinja Shrine. There is a historical record indicating that the genius haiku poet, Matsuo Basho came to watch this festival.
On the 27th, mikoshi portable shrines are lined up in the precinct of Seiryo-ji Temple.

May 20【神幸祭】

May 27 Main parade還幸祭

On the 27th the mikoshi, floats, and a child procession go through the neighborhood.
Main parade starts Arashiyama near the bridge at about 14:30
The procession departs at 10:00 and leaves Arashiyama at 14:30.

御旅所出発(10時)→ 大覚寺(12時頃)→嵐山(14時30分頃)→ 御旅所(17時頃)

2012/05/20(sun) Kobe Matsuri Festival in Kobe / 神戸まつり

The 42th Kobe Matsuri Festival in Kobe
( 神戸まつり )
May 19 and May 20 and May 20, Main Festival

The 42th Kobe Matsuri Festival in Kobe, Hyogo Pref.,features a variety of parades and performances on the city's main streets.
Omatsuri Parade, the main parade of the festival, starts from Flower Road near Waku-Waku Square at 12:45 pm, going through Sannomiya Chuo-dori (street) and arrives at the open space in front of Daimaru Department Store at 4:30 pm. Many more events are scheduled.

Access : The JR Kobe Line to Sannomiya Sta., the Hankyu
Kobe Line to Hankyu-Sannomiya Sta. or the
Hanshin Railway to Hanshin-Sannomiya Sta.

メインフェスティバル/20日今年で42回目を迎える神戸の一大イベント。「緑と海そして愛」をメインテーマに、「こうべで いい夢 いい出会い」をサブテーマに開催されます。20日メインフェスティバルが三宮フラワーロードを中心に繰り広げられます。サンバや民踊、マーチングバンド、太鼓、ダンス、バトンなど個性溢れる団体がフラワーロードをにぎやかに行進するおまつりパレード、ステージイベント、マーケットイベントなど内容も多彩です。19日には市内各区の会場で様々なイベントが開催されます。


2012/05/20(sun) Mifune Matsuri / 三船祭


Mifune Matsuri

May 20 (Sun)  12:00~16:00

Overview : At 14:00 on this day, 30 boats carrying imperial costumed participants move up the Oi River. This is an annual festival of Kurumazaki-jinja Shrine. It started about 1,100 years ago when Emperor Uda enjoyed boat riding in this area. In the Mifune Festival, the Imperial houseboat leads the way, carrying players chanting noh dramas and reading Chinese and Japanese poetry. Next, the Dragon Boat carries musicians playing the eerie, stately, court music, known as gagaku. The Phoenix Boat follows with several miko (shrine maidens) bearing traditional Shinto offerings. The other thirty boats feature some other art or entertainment form

Shinko Festival at Kurumazaki-jinja Shrine: 12:00
正 午  車折神社にてお出ましの式

Procession: 13:00
午後1時  神社より行列が出発(道中約30分)

Boat entertainment: 14:00-15:30
午後2時頃  嵐山の大堰川にてご船遊はじまる。(船遊は約2時間)

午後4時頃  御上陸の後、嵐山頓宮に入御

2012/05/20(sun) The Tour of Japan

『第15回ツアー・オブ・ジャパン 堺ステージ』開催!

The Tour of Japan is the country’s only—and Asia’s largest—national stage race and is officially recognized by the Union Cycliste International. The race in Osaka (Sakai) is the first of six stages of race and is followed by another five carried out throughout Japan.

国際自転車ロードレース「第15回ツアー・オブ・ジャパン 堺ステージ」が5月20日(日)開催されます。

平成24年5月20日(日) 10:00~16:00(付帯イベントを含む)

①堺国際クリテリウム 11:15~12:00
②全日本実業団自転車競技連盟クリテリウム 12:05~13:25
③ツアー・オブ・ジャパン堺ステージ 13:40~14:30

2012/05/15(tue) Aoi Matsuri (葵祭) / KYOTO May 15

Aoi Matsuri (葵祭),
KYOTO May 15

The festival will be postponed in the case of rain.
This is the annual festival of Shimogamo - jinja Shrine and Kamigamo- jinja Shrine. Its actual name is Kamo Festival. Along with the Gion Festival and the Jidai Matsuri (Festival of Ages), it is one of the three big festivals in Kyoto. Featured is a gorgeous parade in the style of the ancient Heian Court. Everything in the parade is adorned with the hollyhock leaf crest, also called "aoi" _ thus the name of the festival. The parade leaves the Kyoto Imperial Palace at 10:30 in the morning. The 700-meter-long parade passes Shimogamo - jinja Shrine and heads for Kamigamo - jinja Shrine.

The name of the festival derives from the aoi (hollyhock) leaves that are used to decorate the animals, the carriages and the people in the parade. This 700-meter long procession starts off at Kyoto Imperial Palace where over 500 people dressed in elegant traditional Heian (794-1185) costumes parade. Famous historical characters are portrayed, as well as warriors, courtiers, soldiers and musicians.
The procession slowly makes its way to Shimogamo Shrine where the Shato-no-gi, a sacred ceremony is performed. After that it continues towards Kamigamo Shrine for the final rites.

Route of the procession
Kyoto Imperial Palace ( 10:30AM ) ---> Shimogamo Shrine ( 11:40AM )
Shimogamo Shrine ( 2:20PM ) ---> Kamigamo Shrine ( 3:30PM )

[ Kyoto Imperial Palace ] Access : City Subway Karasuma-line Imadegawa Station [ Shimogamo Shrine ] Access : City Bus No.205 "Shimogamojinja-mae"
[ Kamigamo Shrine ] Access : From City Subway Karasuma-line Kitaoji then City Bus No.Kita3 to "Misonoguchi-cho" Station,
City Bus No.9 "Kamigamo-misonobashi"
City Bus No.46, 4 "Kamigamo Jinjya mae"

京都御所(出発10時30分)京都御所   地下鉄「丸太町」

下鴨神社(到着11時40分・出発14時20分)下鴨神社   市バス205「下鴨神社前」

上賀茂神社(到着15時30分)上賀茂神社 市バス9「上賀茂御薗橋」

2012/05/01(tue) Dainembutsuji Temple <大念佛寺>

Dainembutsuji Temple

Manbu O-neri Hoyo Ceremony

May 1 ~ May 5
The Land of Happiness according to the Sukhavati sutra is recreated.
Disguised as Bodhisattva in costumes of gold brocade and golden masks, monks and flowers cross a makeshift bridge in the precinct to chant 10,000 sutras at the Hond Main Hall.

Designated an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset by the Osaka municipal government in 2002.


2012/04/24(tue) Osaka Tenman-gu Shrine <大阪 天満宮>

Osaka Tenman-gu Shrine
大阪 天満宮
Hanashizume- festival

Apr 24 ~ Apr 25

午後2時~ 舞踊奉納(榊講)
午後4時~ 武道奉納演舞(修武館)

午後1時~ 平真四條流儀式庖丁
午後2時~ 奉納雅楽
       ○管絃(大阪天満宮 神職)

       ○神楽(大阪天満宮 神職・巫女)
        神楽  「紅わらべ」


朝廷ではこの精霊を鎮める祭儀を「花鎮めの祭り はなしづめのまつり」として奈良時代の

Dedicated to the God of learning, Lord Michizane Sugawara, the shrine is fondly known by many as "Tenman no Tenjin-san", and is revered by many including students preparing for exams.
The summer's Tenjin Festival is one of Japan's 3 great festivals with a history and tradition of almost 1,000 years, and is visited by over 1 million people each year.
This‘Hanashizume-matsuri’is a very old festival.
This festival is held in Spring when the petals of the flower fall, and people are relaxing in the good weather. It is a special ceremony to prevent the spread of diseases.

2012/04/22(sun) Shitennoji Temple <四天王寺>

Shitennoji Temple
Shoryo-e Bugaku Hoyo Festival

Apr 22

Held at Shitennoji Temple on April 22, this festival is a memorial service for Shotoku Taishi, the founder fo Shitennoji Temple, to pray for the repose of his soul.
Gagaku court dance and music is performed according to ancient rituals on a stone stage set up on the Kame-no-ike pond.
The stage in front of Rokujido (the temple hall) will be decorated with fanciful ornaments to create an exotic atmosphere.
Dancers in captivating costumes-including young boys dressed as butterflies - will perform to elegant music, and the original lion dance is also featured.
An opportunity to see a special form of the performing arts and Come experience the history.In 612,
Gigaku dances were brought to Japan from Kudara,an ancient kingdom located in the Korean peninsula at that time.
Prince Shotoku, a devoted adherent of Buddhism and the founder of Shitenno-ji temple deemed this Gigaku dances to be an essential part of Buddhist ceremonies thus ordered some boys to learn the dance.
In later times Gigaku was absorbed into Bugaku, the court dances with the accompaniment of Gagaku,the court music.
Tradition has it that the ancestors of Bugaku dancers who belonged to Shitenno-ji temple in older times are the boys who were ordered to learn Gigaku by the Prince.
Therefore, Buddhist ceremonies with Bugaku dances in Shitenno-ji temple has a history of more than 1400 years.
Today, Shitenno-ji temple is one of the few temples where Buddhist ceremonies accompanied by Syomyo(Buddhist chant) and Gagaku music as well as Bugaku dances are held.
Tennoji Bugaku, Bugaku dances of Shitenno-ji temple is designated as important intangible cultural properties.


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